Mass Times

Join Us For Mass! Saturday 4:30pm, Sunday 7am, 9am, 11am

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday (Vigil) Mass - 4:30pm

Sunday Mass - 7:30am, 9am, 11am

Daily Mass Times

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 7am

Wednesday, Saturday - 8am


During the school year, Wednesday Masses will be at 8am with the school, unless otherwise noted in our bulletin.

Need a Livestream Option?

For those unable to attend Mass due to illness or physical inability, livestreaming Mass can be an option to stay connected. While we no longer livestream our Masses at St. Alphonsus, here are a few options: 

Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (Milwaukee)

Heart of the Nation

Daily Mass with Pope Francis (Vatican News)

Confessions / Reconciliation

Wednesdays - 5-6pm

Saturdays - 3-4pm

Eucharistic Adoration

Thursdays - 7:30am-8pm (in Chapel)

Rosary Devotions

Tuesdays - 6:30pm (in Chapel)
Holy Week